Dist Version Description
1.02 The official game release (source,data and compiled executables) Current version. Linux and Windows versions available.

Below are community created ports and packages.
1.0 djl linux games repository is a multi-dist steam-like interface for downloading and installing game with a single click.
1.01 Arch pkgbuild
1.01 Debian package
1.01 Ubuntu package
1.01 FreeBSD package.
1.01 OpenSUSE yast.
1.01 Gentoo ebuild.
1.01 Mandriva package
Unknown Aros package

If you feel brave, you can also check out SVN:
svn co https://sdl-ball.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/sdl-ball sdl-ball.

To run the precompiled binaries you need:

  • A working OpenGL driver/installation. (OpenGL and GLU)
  • SDL, SDL-image, SDL-mixer, SDL-ttf
  • The standard C++ Library version 6 (stdlibc++6)
To compile the game yourself, you will need the -dev versions of those packages aswell. To compile, simply type: make in the sdl-ball directory.

How to get it running?

  • Download the sdl-ball package, it will have a name like sdl-ball-0.11.tar.bz2
  • Open a terminal, cd to whereever you placed the downloaded file, if you use firefox, chances are, you have it on your ~/Desktop
  • Untar the archive: tar xf sdl-ball-0.11.tar.bz2
  • Change to the directory: cd sdl-ball
  • Run the precompiled binary: ./sdl-ball.x86.bin
    There are no precompiled 64bit executables.
  • If you need or want to compile, simply type: make
The produced binary will be named sdl-ball

Please start by reading the README file inside the sdl-ball directory.
If you find any bugs or have trouble running this game, please verify that you can run glx-gears from the mesa-utils package, then google for the problem. If you still can't solve it, please use the tracker on the projectpage to file a bug report.

Have fun, enjoy SDL-Ball, and if you like the game, please tell your friends about it! :)

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